On Sunday 5th November, we will be celebrating Guy Fawkes Night. So at nursery, we are doing lots of creative activities exploring colours and making our very own firework pictures.
As much as we hope you all have a lovely time watching firework displays, your safety is so important to us. Here is a really useful link from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue, to stay safe during Bonfire night: https://www.staffordshirefire.gov.uk/your-safety/safety-at-home/bonfire-night-safety/ Whatever you do this bonfire night, have lots of fun, keep warm, and stay safe! Things are getting spooky at nursery this week! We have got so much planned to celebrate Halloween at nursery, and we would love for everyone to get involved. We are having a spooky week from Wednesday 25th -Tuesday 31st October, children are welcome to dress up any day throughout this week.
On Wednesday, we will be having a trick or treat hunt in our garden. Thursday, the children will be mixing fruity potions in cauldron's, and making edible wands. We have some spooky cake baking planned for Friday. On Monday, we are carving pumpkins. And on Tuesday 31st October, we are having our very own spooktacular disco and party. We hope everyone has a lovely Halloween, and we can't wait to see your amazing outfits! We are doing our annual harvest collection, which we will donate to local charitable group 'Making Tummies Full'. Any donations are much appreciated, particularly toiletries, tinned and dried goods. Baby pouches, nappies, wipes, tinned goods, UHT milk, crisps, jams, spreads, children's snacks. Donations boxes can be found at the door to each children's room. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Image source: Twinkl
During the Chancellor's recent Budget, there were some announcements made regarding childcare; namely extending the 30 hour provision to children aged 9 months and over, and the optional relaxation of ratios for two year olds.
Jeremy Hunt announced that the Government plans to introduce free childcare for children aged 9 months and over. At this moment in time, we understand that working parents of two year olds will be able to access 15 hours from April 2024, and working parents of children 9 months upwards will be able to access 15 hours from September 2024. According to today's budget announcement; from September 2025, all working parents of under fives will be able to access 30 funded hours of childcare per week. The Government has also announced that the minimum staff to child ratio will change from 1:4 to 1:5 for two-year-olds in England, similar to in Scotland, though this will be optional for settings. We do not have any further information/specific details about the funding plan or ratio change as yet, however when we do know more, we will of course keep you updated. We are pleased to say we had our routine Environmental Health visit this month (February 2023) and we achieved a Level 5 Food Hygiene Rating.
During the inspection, things like handling of food, how food is stored, how food is prepared, cleanliness of facilities, how food safety is managed is all looked at, so we are proud to have achieved this rating. We are committed to adhering to food hygiene law. Our staff carry out regular training including Food Allergy Awareness, Food Premises Cleaning and Food Safety and Hygiene (Level 2), so we are super proud that all of this shone through and that we have achieved this rating. To find out more about what Food Hygiene Ratings mean you can visit the government website. As we head in to December, we just wanted to send out a reminder of our Christmas closure dates.
Christmas operating hours: Friday 23rd December 2022 Nursery closes at 1pm Monday 26th December NURSERY CLOSED (Bank holiday) Tuesday 27th December NURSERY CLOSED (Bank holiday) Wednesday 28th December NURSERY CLOSED Thursday 29th December NURSERY CLOSED Friday 30th December NURSERY CLOSED Monday 2nd January 2023 NURSERY CLOSED (Bank holiday) Nursery will re-open as normal (7:30am-6:00pm) on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. Happy 1st December everyone!
We can't believe it's just over three weeks until Christmas day! Where has the time gone this year? We hope you're all feeling festive today. There's always lots going on for parents at this time of year - so this is your reminder that, if it all feels too much, take a breath, sit down, and have a cuppa and a mince pie! The most important things are your loved ones around you and seeing smiles on your little ones faces. The world of social media makes it look like everyone is so calm and collected, but remember, most likely everyone is feeling as frazzled at each other - so this is us saying you are doing AMAZING! We don't want to add to parents plates of things to remember, so we are just here to make sure your little ones have lovely, fun-filled festive weeks here at nursery in the lead up to Christmas. Here's what we've got planned in the run up to Christmas. We always love our families to get involved by sending their little ones to nursery in Christmas jumpers/PJs/onesies, but if it adds to your to do list and you can't, please don't worry! We have lots of Christmas accessories and fun stuff already at nursery, so your little one will not miss out! We are hopefully here to ease the burden! Week commencing xx of December: Christmas raffle: Every year we have a charity raffle in the lead up to Christmas to raise funds for a good cause, alongside raising some extra funds for nursery. This year we are fundraising for a charity called Comfort Cases. Comfort Cases Comfort Cases provide backpacks filled with comfort and personal care items for youth entering the foster care system. Typically, children are given a bin bag to pack up their belongings when they are removed from their homes. The team at Comfort Cases are working to end this practice, while providing the essentials for a child’s first few days in foster care. If any parents have any good quality prizes, or work for companies that may be kind enough to donate items, to help us raise money, please contact nursery. The raffle will be drawn by the end of the year. You can also support Comfort Cases directly in many ways, so just visit their website to see how you can help. Dates for your diary Photo day Monday 7th November 2022 – Photo Day. Please email us to book a photograph slot. Parents evenings Engine Room - Tuesday 22nd November Station Room - Wednesday 30th November Platform Room (Chloe, Hayley, Lucy) - Monday 21st November Platform Room (Sally, Jackie) - Wednesday 23rd November We are still collecting tinned goods and toiletries for a harvest festival which we will then donate to Making Tummies Full, a local charity that helps people in need. Any donations will be much appreciated. We are asking for any in date cereal, tinned items, sauces, crisps, UHT milk, jams and spreads. Donation boxes can be found outside of each room.
The Old Railway Care ConductorsWe'll keep you up-to-date with nursery news & events, as well as any important information we feel would be useful for you to know.
March 2024
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